AM I OK? (2024)
Release Date: 06/06/24 [Cinemas]
Genre: Comedy. Drama. Romance.
Studio: Warner Bros.
"Lucy and Jane have been best friends their entire lives. Only when Lucy embarks on a personal journey, will she face a test of her friendship, and her sense of self, on a path she may not be entirely ready to take."
Am I Ok? is a coming of early middle-age tale of a woman’s journey of sexual exploration and self discovery through a lighthearted, yet heartfelt comedy lens. The film’s bare-bones premise focuses on two things: 1. A best friendship rocked by an unexpected international move for a new job and 2. A realization of sexual identity and navigating the protagonist’s unexplored realm of lesbian encounters and relationships. Lucy (Dakota Johnson) plays a timid, awkward and indecisive massage receptionist whose true passion is painting. She begins to question her sexual orientation after dating a man who is under the impression they are dating but Lucy is only interested in being platonic friends. She finds solace in confiding in her best friend, Jane (Sonoya Mizuno), who is very supportive of Lucy’s endeavors but also frankly critical of her personality flaws. After Jane is given a job opportunity outside of the country, Lucy and Jane struggle to maintain their friendship and support one another through the transition.
In parallel to Lucy dealing with her friend moving thousands of miles away, she attempts to analyze a flirtatious interaction with a coworker massage therapist and the film does an excellent job of portraying the ambiguity of whether someone is interested in a serious long term partner, a fling or just a friend. The audience is left guessing along with Lucy until near the end of Am I Ok?.
Am I Ok? Delivers enough charm and wit in its humor along with a dynamic character arc of its main characters to hold the interest of those seeking a low-key, no frills indie-romcom. Lucy and Jane each go through a substantial character arc over the course of the film and learn to actively change based on each others’ feedback to better serve their relationship with each other and themselves. Am I Ok? highlights the importance and value of friendship. The characters are able to reflect and recognize their flaws and listen to one another to make their bond of friendship stronger. Am I OK? Illustrates the modern struggle of finding yourself and pursuing what makes you happy.
