THAT 90S SHOW (2023)
Season One
Aired On: Netflix
Release Date: 01/19/23
Comedy. Drama. Romance.
"Now it's 1995, Leia Forman is visiting her grandparents for the summer where she bonds with a new generation of Point Place, WI, kids under the watchful eye of Kitty and the stern glare of Red."
That 90s Show is a hysterical sequel to the original hit - bringing back the classic characters along with the classic shenanigans in the form of new characters, and of course the nostalgia of what makes a classic sitcom a classic.
The return of Kurtwood Smith’s Red and Debra Jo Rupp’s Kitty to our screens is one of the greatest pleasures of 2023 thus far. While worries may set in from previous attempts at reviving beloved shows, That 90s Show expands upon what was so loved in the original and ever so slightly matures it. Lead Callie Haverda as Leia Forman and the perfectly cast Mace Coronel as Jay Kelso are standouts among a truly terrific ensemble.
The series doesn’t just cater to fans of the original, but also to newcomers that can relate to these teens like we all did with the original group of friends. However, it really does provide the original viewers the comfort of a classic Red and Kitty dynamic at every turn, along with a little Fez sprinkled in.
It feels like a natural progression for these iconic characters and a fantastic beginning for some new faces entering the iconic basement. Sitting at only ten short episodes, this is an experience that will extend your time in the Forman household but leave you longing for more, as Netflix delivers one of the best sequel sitcoms to ever hit the airwaves.