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Release Date: 09/22/23 [Cinemas]
Genre: Action. Adventure. Thriller.

Studio: Lionsgate.

"Armed with every weapon they can get their hands on, the Expendables are the world's last line of defense and the team that gets called when all other options are off the table." 


A glorified made for TV movie that beyond all odds made it to the cinemas. In the way that the initial film was meant to reflect back on the charm and simplicity of the action “classics” of the 80s, this fourth go ‘round with the remaining few original Expendables is naturally a callback to the direct to video sequels that exceeded their limit. 


The acting is just as cheesy and wildly underwritten as the last three in the series, with quips and one liners galore (Spoiler Alert: They Never Work!). That’s not to say there isn’t some classic banter between Stallone’s Barney and Statham’s Christmas, even if it’s short lived. The new team, yes another team, is just as forgettable as the last so much so that even the movies forgets they ever existed. Although the involvement of Megan Fox had potential, with the actor having quite the con back in recent years, especially with the cult classic status of her 2009 Jennifer’s Body coming to light. The script just poorly utilized its cast and left it to be a search and rescue mission committed by Statham (primarily) and the assistance of Jaa’s Decha. It’s a really fun, straight forward mission that lets the audience see Statham kick some serious ass but it’s a sign that this should have been his feature from the start instead of an extension on The Expendables lore (or should I say ‘snore’). Expend4bles’ plotting is as embarrassingly basic as a film can be expected to be with its fourth generic action sequel. 


However, what makes this one so different is the use of what can only be compared to PlayStation 3 graphics to showcase all the action. While worth a good laugh, it really hinders the experience and is incredibly distracting. From the simplest of backgrounds clearly being digitally placed or a massive set piece of a plane crashes to the ground, it all looks abysmal with a side of ridiculous. Yet somehow even with its enormous faults, I still had some fun. 


Expend4bles is a bizarre experience with a walk out of the theater first half and a incredibly high energy, stereotypical action movie set piece to close out the second. Bring on the one on one hand combat and watch these actors work, especially with someone like Tony Jaa and Jason Statham - if only a higher caliber director could’ve been at the helm.

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