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Release Date: 09/27/23 [Netflix]
Genre: Adventure. Comedy. Short.

Studio: Netflix.

"Chronicles a variety of stories, but the main one follows Henry Sugar, who is able to see through objects and predict the future with the help of a book he stole." 


If there was ever a person fit to take on the unique nature of Roald Dahl’s storytelling, it’d be Wes Anderson. Anderson delivers a short feature that delights and bewilders as it brings attention to a short story many may not be familiar to. With such film classics as Matilda, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and The Fantastic Mr. Fox, it seems nearly impossible for a fairly unknown story to make near the top of the list as one of the greatest adaptations of Dahl’s work. 


With a minimal cast, many of whom play multiple characters, Benedict Cumberbatch, Ralph Fiennes, Dev Patel, Ben Kingsley and Richard Ayoade make up a large piece of the brilliance of the film. Aesthetically the film is incredibly pleasing to the eye, taking on aspects of an always on the move stage play - Anderson has a particular look to his features and he implements it here with precise intentions. 


Sitting at a brisk 37 minutes, the charm never runs thin as the breakneck pace of the story will leave you wishing for more by the time the credits roll, but ultimately thankful that it never attempted to overstay its welcome. Beginning as a short story, naturally a short film structure is perfect for The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and this marks two for two for Anderson with Dahl material.

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